Sign Up, Its Free

Join our Affiliate Program by simply copying the link of our products on your site and earn affiliate commission on every sale

Are you a Marketing expert, having some strategic tools? Come and Join as our Vendor

If you are a Vendor looking to sell tools in any specific category which is not present at the moment on our platform, for instance, say "Branding and Strategy." Simply, email us along with one of your sample business tools on "" and we will add the same after verifying.

We have our showcased inventory as well so that the upcoming vendors can view the quality of business tools we are looking for.

What's New

  • Are you a Customer?

    1. Registration

    Registration is effortless, you just need to fill a form

    2. Product Selection

    Search for your desired product from our wide range of products. Check out the images and videos related to the product before purchasing

    3. Raise Query (Optional):

    You can generate the ticket on the product, if you want to verify anything about the product before purchasing

    4. Place your Order

    Place your order by processing the payment

    5. Rating and Review

    Provide rating and review

  • Are you a Vendor?

    1. Registration

    Register with us by filling in your information

    2. Profile Verification

    We will verify the details and approve your profile

    3. Product Upload

    You can start uploading your product by entering details such as:

    • Short Description
    • Long Description
    • Images and Videos
    • Table of Contents/ Features
    • Main Template (PDF/PPT/Word/Excel/Any Other)
    4. Product Approval

    We will verify the details and approve the product for listing on our platform

    5. Product Purchase

    User will visit the platform and will purchase the product. More the information you enter, will be easier for user to make the decision faster.

    6. Ratings, Reviews, and Feedback

    User will share their experience by providing ratings and review,post purchase

    7. Payment

    You will get the net amount after deducting our commission and the processing fees

  • FAQ's for Customer

    Startups, SMEs, SMBs, Business and Management Consultants, Finance Consultants, Private Equity Companies, Merchant Bankers, University Students or any other.

    Yes. It is a global marketplace/ platform

    This platform will allow you to download best industry driven business tools from experts all over the world, in the form of doc, ppt, pdf, excel, videos, techtool, or any other as supported by the platform. It provides you license under which it can be edited and reused or can be used to create derivative work and can save your time and cost both.

    No, you will not have any of the rights, title and interest in and to the Work, and neither title nor any ownership interest in or to the Work so transferred to you by virtue of this Agreement. Our marketplace does not effectuate any sale of the Work. We are just granting you a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable license to use, reproduce, modify or display the Work.

    Business Consultants, Finance Consultants, Marketing Consultants, Taxation Consultants, Chartered Accountants, CPAs, ACCAs, Industry Professionals, Academic Professionals from across the globe.

    You will be viewing the images/ videos of our business tool explaining about our business tool. You will also get to view short description, long description about our business tool and the table of contents/ features of our business tool.

    You can raise a ticket to seek clarifications on which vendor/ Team Icrest will reply so that you get 100% convinced. You may also ask Vendor to prepare a customized tool for you, for which we will organize a conference call with the Vendor. This is just an additional optional facility provided.

    We have no obligation to review any Works or other content uploaded or posted onto the Website, and we have no responsibility for any such Works or other content. We have the right to accept or deny, delete, move or edit any Works or content uploaded or posted onto the Website.

    We have restricted user to do only 7 downloads per week

    We don’t have a restriction on any specific category. We will keep on adding the categories with the span of time

    No, re-distributing online or offline, free or priced Works downloaded from our Website is forbidden and constitutes a violation of our Terms of Use. No ownership of any Works is transferred and no sale of any Works is effectuated on or through the Website.

    No, your information won’t be sold or rented to any third party.

    No, not yet. Its a free sign up

    We have a tie up with Razorpay and Paypal. If you are an Indian user, use Razorpay, as it will give you an option to use Credit Cards and Debit Cards. If you are a Non-Indian user, u can use any of the platforms to pay us.

    Once the payment will be processed successfully, you can go to your "Orders" section under your name, and can download both invoice and template from there. You can also provide ratings and review from there.

    Yes, absolutely

    Once the transaction is processed cant be refunded. You can get convinced twice before purchasing as we are providing 3 options for the same. Although, in case of any extraordinary circumstances, you can email our support team on

    No, you need to create a separate account for the same

  • FAQ's for Vendor

    Any Business and Management Consultant, Industry Professional, Investment Banker, Finance Consultant, Marketing Consultant, Private Equity Companies, Financial Institutions and similar.

    Yes. It is a global marketplace/ platform

    Yes, if you have some of your own created business tools to share

    This platform will help you in earning passive regular income and at the same time your branding globally. You can upload your best business tools (old or new) which are anyways a dead unused tool once its purpose is solved, after deleting all the confidential information, which will be useful for an user and save his time.

    Any business tool in the form of reports (word, ppt), models (excel), tech-tool, or any other as supported by the platform, which can be edited and reused or can be used to create derivative work. By uploading you agree that you own all rights, title and interest in and to the Work, including all copyright, trademarks, patents, rights of privacy, rights of publicity, moral rights, and other intellectual property rights with respect to that business tool.

    We don’t have a restriction on any specific category. We will keep on adding the categories with the span of time.

    If you are a Vendor looking to sell tools in any specific category which is not present at the moment on our platform, for instance, say "Branding and Strategy." Simply, email us along with one of your sample business tools on "" and we will add the same after verifying.

    You retain all the rights, title and interest in and to the Work, and neither title nor any ownership interest in or to the Work is transferred to us by virtue of this Agreement. You also retain the right to use, reproduce or display the Work as part of your professional portfolio. You are just granting us a “license” which will be a non-exclusive, worldwide, and royalty-free license to use, reproduce, publicly (online or offline) display, distribute, modify (so as to better showcase your Works, for example), publicly perform, and translate the Work as needed. And a right to further sub-license to our users who will download your tool.

    Content once uploaded on our platform will become our property within the terms of our platform and you grant us worldwide, perpetual and transferable rights with respect to such Content and we might use it for creating any derivative work.

    To maintain high standards in the use of business tools and methodologies for business through good judgment and the application of relevant, recognized principles and standards.

    Startups, SMEs, Fellow Consultants, University Students or any other

    You need to upload atleast 10% of the images (say 10-15 if the business tool is of 50 pages) of your business tool. You can also upload your personal video explaining about your business tool. You then would need to write short description, long description about your business tool and the table of contents/ features of your business tool.

    He can raise a ticket to ask you certain additional questions on which you need to reply so that he gets 100% convinced. He may also ask you to prepare a customized tool for him, for which we will organize a conference call with the customer. This is just an additional optional facility provided for the user.

    We have no obligation to review any Works or other content uploaded or posted onto the Website, and we have no responsibility for any such Works or other content. We have the right to accept or deny, delete, move or edit any Works or content uploaded or posted onto the Website.

    We have restricted user to do only 7 downloads per week

    No, re-distributing online or offline, free or priced Works downloaded from the Website is forbidden and constitutes a violation of our Terms of Use. No ownership of any Works is transferred and no sale of any Works is effectuated on or through the Website.

    No, your information won’t be sold or rented to any third party.

    No, our marketplace does not effectuate any sale of the Work. We are just granting “sub “license to use“. Users will have a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable “license” to use, reproduce, modify or display the Work.

    No, not yet. Its a free sign up

    All the tools so sold in a month, amount will be held with Icrest for 25 days after the month ends, post which will be released in the last week of the next month. The reason to hold is, in case if the user might come back with any clarifications. For Instance: Total revenue so earned by the vendor in the month of April will be released between 26th to 30th of June after deducting Icrest fee and the processing/ any other applicable fee/ taxes.

    No, you will have to open a different account

    You need to remove all the confidential information from your document before uploading the same. Icrest wont be responsible for reviewing the same.

    No, you can create your own new business tools and start uploading