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Financial Model For Movie Production
Team Icrest    

Type of Business :

Project Finance Financial Models

Price : USD 179.1 199.00

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  • Short Description

    The Financial Model for Movie Production presents the business case of movie production. This film production budget template Excel accommodates all the detailed information of the movie production. This model describes the overall process of the movie production and serves as one of the essential film finance plan templates to ensure financial planning and budget tracking.

  • Full Description

    The model describes the business case of the Movie Production. This model goes for 10 years and it includes the financial projections.
    The model is prepared for the production of the three movies – Low Medium and High Budget. The model works through the inputs which are blue in color. This changes all the calculations as needed and are adjusted in the template as per the business case.
    The executive summary contains all the important assumptions.
    The box office collection contains the domestic as well as overseas collection of the movies.
    The Revenue/Operating model uses the assumptions to calculate revenue.
    The Revenue build up shows the overall revenue by selecting the method of the film distribution.
    The Costing Assumption model includes different costing figures which are based on the assumptions.
    The Debt Schedule is a complete table of the periodic loan payments, shows the amount of the principle
    and the amount of interest that comprise each payment until the loan is paid off at the end of its term.
    The Income and Expenditure Statement specifies the profit and loss incurred by business.
    The Break Even Analysis calculates the period when the EBITDA becomes positive first time (Time to Break-Even).
    The Return on Investment calculates the return on the amount invested.

  • Table of Content
    No. Content
    1 Cover Page
    2 Instruction
    3 Executive Summary
    4 Box Office Collection
    5 Revenue Breakdown
    6 Revenue Build Up
    7 Costing Assumption
    8 Debt Schedule
    9 Income & Expenditure Account
    10 Break Even Analysis
    11 Return On Investment
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