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Form Controls and Other Interactive Tools in Excel

Type of Business :

Excel Tools and Wizard

Price : USD 25 25.00

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  • Short Description

    This is an overview of check boxes, option buttons, drop-down lists and similar fancy things commonly referred to as Form Controls. They make working with models more convenient and efficient, and the models themselves – look more professional.

  • Full Description

    This is an overview of check boxes, option buttons, drop-down lists and similar fancy things commonly referred to as Form Controls. They make working with models more convenient and efficient, and the models themselves – look more professional. The publication demonstrates what types of controls there are available and shows the differences between Form Controls and ActiveX control. Step-by-step explanations are provided on how to create controls, set them up, link to worksheet cells and apply formatting. The file gives several practical tips and formula examples. In particular, using form controls one can change some model assumptions or scenarios from any worksheet quickly. A special example of drop-down lists is the use of data validation functionality. The file also talks about dynamic hyperlinks.

  • Table of Content
    No. Content
    Introduction 1. Form Controls at a Glance 2. 'Developer' Tab
    Form Controls 1. Creating 2. Formatting
    ActiveX Controls Creation and Usage
    Linking Controls between Each Other Changing Scenarios and Inputs from any Worksheet
    Drop-Down Validation Lists 1. Static and Dynamic Source Ranges 2. Dynamic Ignoring Empty Cells
    Hyperlins Creation and Usage
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