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Pitch Deck of a Mobile App Aggregator for "Bars and Customers"
Team Icrest    

Type of Business :

Pitch Decks of Restaurants and Cafes

Price : USD 56.05 59.00

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  • Short Description

    This business deck template is related to a Mobile App Pitch Deck for Bars and Customers. It showcases an application-based platform acting as an aggregator to assist after-work drink lovers and binge drinkers in exploring the right bar, restaurants, and nightclubs to find inexpensive drinks. At the same time, it helps bars, restaurants, and nightclubs market themselves effectively.

  • Full Description

    In a country like Switzerland going out and exploring new bars and restaurants can turn out to be very expensive and confusing. Often bars and restaurants face the problem of customer traffic on week days as compared to weekends. With our app, the tables are definitely going to be turned. Our app helps streamline the process of exploring the nightlife in the country and even have a free drink on us. Thus, with this application we are bridging the gap between hangout enthusiasts and the top bars and restaurants in your area.

    Key features of the Business:

    1. This application brings a win-win situation for both the target customer and the bar owners.

    2. For drink lovers this works as: Select the bar and your drink, then claim your drink, and ultimately get your drink.

    3. For partner cafes and restaurants this works as: Sign in the app, upload the content, accept the orders and enjoy increased leads.

    There is lot more than this. So, if you are planning to start a similar business or an investment banker analyzing similar kind of business, then Pitch Deck template will save lot of time.

  • Table of Content
    No. Content
    1 The Idea
    2 Challenges and Solutions
    3 Market Perspective
    4 How it Works
    5 Business/ Revenue Model
    6 Key Features of App
    7 Marketing Strategies
    8 The Competition
    9 Financial Projections
    10 The Ask and Exit Strategy
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