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Startup ATM Machine Business - 10 Year Model

Type of Business :

Financial Models

Price : USD 75 75.00

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  • Short Description

    The ATM Machine Financial Model is designed for accurately analyzing the acquisition and operation of ATMs. It factors in depreciation, purchase timing, transaction levels, and revenue scaling. Supporting up to 27 tranches of ATM purchases, it provides detailed insights into revenues, operating expenses, and cash flow. Ideal for a comprehensive ATM business plan, it includes monthly and annual reports over a 10-year period for precise financial forecasting.

  • Full Description

    The user starts off with some general timing assumptions for the model that include start year, exit year, terminal value based on a multiple of revenue, and funding sources (debt/equity). Next is the build-up configuration, where the user is able to define the following for each of the 27 tranches independently: Month of ATM Purchase , AVG. fee per Transaction, Average Transactions per Day, Merchant Profit Share, Count of ATM Machines Bought, Cost per Machine, Total Cost Requirement, Total Machines, and Sales Tax. Much of these are specific to the ATM machine business itself. Next up are cost considerations for on-going operations. There is an expense schedule over the 10 years with the start month of item and monthly cost in each year. Variable costs include the Repair/Maintenance cost per machine per year, ATM processing fee, and the useful life of each machine. A defined income tax rate will apply to taxable income and depreciation expenses are automatically calculated per the purchase and cost schedule and timing therein. Final cash flow summaries auto-populate with project level contributions and distributions as well as flows to investors / owners and debt repayment if applicable.

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