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Array Formulas in Excel

Type of Business :

Excel Tools and Wizard

Price : USD 0 0.00

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  • Short Description

    My publication on this obscure to the many yet a useful and powerful area of Excel Explains array formulas and shows how they can be used in financial analysis. Contains an overview of array formulas, explains the theory behind arrays and provides practical tips and examples.

  • Full Description

    My publication on this obscure to many yet a useful and powerful area of Excel shows and explains how array formulas can help in financial analysis. It starts with an overview of what array formulas are and how they are different from normal formulas. I am bringing in many useful tips about arrays: understanding vertical and horizontal arrays, generating arrays of consecutive integers, performing mathematical operations on arrays, using the F9 key to visualize arrays and debug formulas. There is a distinction between single-cell and multi-cell array formulas. Multi-cell arrays are not so widely used in financial modeling but a professional analyst needs to be aware of such formulas. ‘Classic’ array formulas are committed to cell with a combination of keys Ctrl+Shift+Enter (CSE). Yet in many cases array formulas can be redesigned to work with a simple Enter. There are functions which can deal with arrays natively but there are also functions which will always require CSE or will never handle arrays, Data tables are a special case of array formulas and I am giving an overview of this feature. The publication includes a number of practical examples using array formulas: - calculating months inventory outstanding - calculating expected return of a portfolio containing many securities under several performance assumptions - extending or shortening a ramp-up plan - calculating XIRR with zero cash flow periods in the beginning - working with dates - transforming two-dimensional data - and many else In the end I am giving miscellaneous tips concerning array formulas which you might not have heard of.

  • Table of Content
    No. Content
    Array Formulas in Excel – Why bother to understand array formulas and how can they help in financial analysis? – What are array formulas and how are they different from normal formulas – Single-cell and multi-cell array formulas – Formulas committed with Ctrl+Shift+Enter – Redesigning array formulas to work without Ctrl+Shift+Enter – Functions which can handle arrays natively and functions which will never support arrays – Operations with arrays – Data tables as a special case of array formulas – Many practice examples and tips concerning array formulas you might not have heard of
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