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Dashboard For Insurance Claim
Team Icrest    

Type of Business :


Price : USD 29 29.00

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  • Short Description

    The dashboard is prepared to understand the performance of the insurance business. This Dashboard For Insurance Claim helps users analyze key metrics effectively. All the figures in the sheet are hypothetical, and users can adjust them as per their needs and actual business scenarios. With insurance claims dashboard templates, users can input their business data and get detailed analysis on the dashboard.

  • Full Description

    The dashboard is prepared to understand the performance of the insurance business. All the figures in the sheet are hypothetical and users can adjust as per their needs and actual business scenarios.
    In this sheet, there are 2 important tabs named Dashboard, and Data.
    In the data tab, the details about the insurance business and the month-on-month overall performance are shown by the company.
    In the dashboard tab, the data representation is done based on the analysis of the data in the form of graphs and figures.
    Users can input the data based on their business and can get the analysis on the dashboard of their data.

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