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Feasibility study template in excel for non - financial for small businesses Exclusive

Type of Business :

Financial Models

Price : USD 40 100.00

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  • Short Description

    Feasibility study templates for small businesses help entrepreneurs assess their ventures effectively. Through this feasibility study Excel template, you can prepare a feasibility study without the need to learn finance from scratch—just fill in the data in the blue boxes. There are many small projects that need feasibility studies, such as craft projects, small restaurants, small business projects, shops, and online businesses.

  • Full Description

    Feasibility study template for non-financial small businesses Through this template, you can prepare a feasibility study without the need to learn finance from scratch, just fill in the data that contains the boxes in blue. There are many small projects that need feasibility studies, such as craft projects, small restaurants, small business projects, shops, online businesses. So this template will be right for you This template contains: Control Panel financial analysis introductory budget Five-year budget income statement Five-year income statement cash flow statement Five-year cash flow statement Project payback period Return on investment the summery of project Beneficiary: Small business owners

  • Table of Content
    No. Content
    This template contains: Control Panel financial analysis introductory budget Five-year budget income statement Five-year income statement cash flow statement Five-year cash flow statement Project payback period Return on investment the summery of project
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