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Financial Mode of E-Laundry Services Exclusive
Team Icrest    

Type of Business :

Financial Models

Price : USD 44.1 49.00

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  • Short Description

    This model offers a full view of a high-end laundry business that can be booked from home. Whether you're an entrepreneur starting a similar venture, an investment banker analyzing the industry, or a student learning, this is the right place. Using Laundry Business Financial Model Templates and laundromat financial model, you’ll gain 360-degree insights into operations, revenue, and financial performance to make informed decisions.

  • Full Description

    Lifestyle of women has changed which led to increase in their preference for dry cleaning and laundry services. To tap on this segment, we have come up with a business idea of an online on demand laundry service. We are a one stop shop for all the laundry services & we offer doorstep pick up and drop, laundry solutions at affordable prices.

    Some of the key points to note about this business are:

    Revenue comes from the laundry services, dry cleaning and iron services, and home and bedding services provided.
    Investing into such an activity, requires huge capital expenditure and as an owner/ investor you would most likely want to test the feasibility of the plan, determine your target market, target audience, locational analysis, seasonal factor and pricing analysis.
    If this is what you have in mind, then you are looking at the right financial excel model template.
    This financial model will answer all your feasibility questions about this business. You just need to tweak it a little, based on your location and this will provide you with the projected figures for the next 5 years including business valuation.

  • Table of Content
    No. Content
    1 Approach and Assumptions
    2 Revenue Buildup
    3 Costing Assumptions
    4 Monthly Financial Statements (P&L, Cash Flow and Balance Sheet)
    5 BEP Analysis
    6 Ratio Analysis
    7 Charts and Graphs
    8 Investment Summary and Business Valuation
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