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Maximised Margin & Revenue Pricing Analysis

Type of Business :

Excel Tools and Wizard

Price : USD 15 15.00

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  • Short Description

    By comparing the sales data of any product and/or service sold at 2 different price points, this tool determines the Maximum Margin and Maximum Revenue sales prices to help improve sales profitability.

  • Full Description

    This tool is used to analyse sales results by comparing the sales data of a product and/or service sold at 2 different prices. This can be useful when a business is investigating the best price points of their products/services to achieve the highest Net Margin. The user simply enters the selling prices and the number of "Items" sold at a lower and higher price, and the cost to produce the product and/or service. Based on the information entered, formulas will calculate an expected price for both a Maximised Margin and a Maximised Revenue. Next, the user can enter a Proposed Price, which will then give the quantity to sell, Gross Revenue, and Net Margin of their suggested price. Depending on Demand Elasticity (the effect of any loss of demand due to a higher price), the tables and charts then illustrate why striving for higher total Gross Revenue may actually be harming your bottom line Net Margin.

  • Table of Content
    No. Content
    Maximised Margin & Revenue Pricing Analysis This tool is used to analyse sales results by comparing the sales data of a product and/or service sold at 2 different prices. This can be useful when a business is investigating the best price points of their products/services to achieve the highest Net Margin. The user simply enters the selling prices and the number of "Items" sold at a lower and higher price, and the cost to produce the product and/or service. Based on the information entered, formulas will calculate an expected price for both a Maximised Margin and a Maximised Revenue. Next, the user can enter a Proposed Price, which will then give the quantity to sell, Gross Revenue, and Net Margin of their suggested price. Depending on Demand Elasticity (the effect of any loss of demand due to a higher price), the tables and charts then illustrate why striving for higher total Gross Revenue may actually be harming your bottom line Net Margin.
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