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Service Level Agreement (SLA) KPI Exclusive
Team Icrest    

Type of Business :

Excel Tools and Wizard

Price : USD 0 0.00

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  • Short Description

    This small Excel tool provides a complete 360-degree view for businesses using Service Level Agreement KPI Templates. Whether you're an entrepreneur incorporating SLA KPIs into Business Process Management or an investment banker analyzing a business, this tool helps streamline performance tracking and decision-making.

  • Full Description

    SLA and KPI are elements of business process management. SLAs are documents that outline the wider service agreements between a service provider and its customers. They both pertain to monitoring specific measurements of the performance of your business. They demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives.

    Key features of this model are:
    This model has two sheets named input and output. In this, we have considered that Achievement Metrics will be calculated by multiplying each KPI achievement (%) with their weights and aggregating of all KPIs in relevant category (Earn-back, Success & Fail) separately.
    This template shows very strategically the earn-back, success, fail % metrics with the help of various charts. You can make important financial decisions easily with the help of this model.

    As an owner/ investor you would most likely want to test the performance of your business, measure the delivery of the defined service standards, etc.
    If this is what you have in mind, then you are looking at the right financial model template. You just need to tweak it a little, based on your company type and this will provide you with required information.

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