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Simple 5-year SaaS Startup Financial Model

Type of Business :

SAAS Products

Price : USD 75 75.00

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  • Short Description

    This is my original SaaS Revenue Model Template, designed to be the most straightforward model in this space. Users can view detailed monthly/annual reports, and the latest version includes an executive summary for better financial insights.

  • Full Description

    This was recently updated to show monthly and annual averages for customer lifetime value and LTV to CaC ratio (including new visuals). Key features include an input for up to four pricing tiers. The user will simply enter the starting subscriber count, the start month of that subscriber tier, and monthly percentage growth of that tier in each of the five years. Additionally, the user will define the average monthly churn rate over time and one-time setup fees if applicable. For operating costs, the Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) is defined as a percentage of revenue and can change in each year. There is a separate input per year for total executive salaries, salesman salaries, customer service salaries, marketing, R&D, and G&A. This was meant to be as simple as possible for anyone to quickly put in some assumptions on subscribers/growth/costs and see the potential. Corporate income tax is definable by year. There are visuals to display key financial metrics and measures such as Customer acquisition cost, months to pay back CaC, annual revenue/EBITDA, cash balance, annual subscriber count, annual revenue and more. There is also an Executive Summary tab that rolls up the main line item revenue and operating costs into an easily digestible display. This will include an exit valuation based on an annual revenue multiple (a valuation sensitivity tab is included). An option does exist to take on debt as a funding source and the resulting debt service / pay back is reflected accordingly. A DCF Analysis is also included. Instructions are included on tab 1 to get started.

  • Table of Content
    No. Content
    User Assumptions Enter subscriber counts/growth/churn/setup fees.
    Cost Assumptions Enter monthly costs by year per each major cost category.
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