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Single Sheet DCF (Discounted Cash Flow) Excel Template

Type of Business :

Excel Tools and Wizard

Price : USD 0 0.00

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  • Short Description

    The Single Sheet DCF Template helps users understand the dynamics of discounted cash flow (DCF) valuation. This tool is designed to familiarize users with DCF fundamentals. Whether you're an investor or analyst, our Simple DCF Excel Templates and Discounted Cash Flow Excel Model will guide you through the valuation process effectively.

  • Full Description

    Fin-wiser Advisory has developed the single sheet Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Template to helps user to understand the dynamics of Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) valuation. This template is designed to include one Actual period and ten forecast periods. User can input various assumptions around Revenue Growth Rate, EBITDA Margin, Capital Expenditure, Working Capital Requirement and Depreciation & Amortization as a % of Revenue and other DCF components like Discount Rate, Terminal Growth Rate and Tax Rate to understand their impact on Intrinsic Value. Template Calculates: 1. Free Cash Flow to Firms (FCFF) using the conventional equation starting from EBIT and adjusting for Taxes, Depreciation & Amortization, Capital Expenditure and Change in Working Capital. 2. Discount Rate for the calculation of present value of FCFF 3. Terminal Values based on perpetual growth rate 4. Enterprise Value 5. Implied Valuation Multiple like ‘Enterprise Value/Revenue’ and ‘Enterprise Value/EBITDA’ User has the option to calculated discount rate and perpetual growth rate for three different steps to assess the impact of change in rate on terminal value. Objective of this template is to appraise user with the discounted cash flow fundamentals and should not be used for valuation in real world scenario. Yellow Color cells represent assumptions cells and white color cells with black text represent calculation cells. This business tool includes 1 Excel File

  • Table of Content
    No. Content
    Single Sheet DCF (Discounted Cash Flow) Excel Template Single sheet DCF Template helps the user understand the dynamics of Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) valuation
  • Reviews

    parviz syed

    great ..comprehensive

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