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Financial Model of a Gym Business (Franchisee) Exclusive

Type of Business :

Financial Models

Price : USD 67.5 75.00

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  • Short Description

    This financial model gives a classic and complete 360 degree view of a Gym based business. If you are planning to take a Franchisee of a renowned Gym or planning to provide the same as a Gym owner, this template will provide a good insight on various factors

  • Full Description

    Today everyone is more conscious towards their health and practices one or the other activity, in the form of : Gym, Aerobics, Yoga, Zumba, Sports, Dance etc. This model is concentrated towards Gym business, wherein the Franchise has been taken. Key Features included in the model: a) Revenue Sources for Business - Group Classes Personal Training Renting Out Space to Trainers b) Group Classes - There are three options available to our customers - 12 Pack Class 8 Pack Class 4 Pack Class Pack of 12 classes represents that one person signs up for 12 classes. The customers pay once for the group i.e. our revenue is per group. It is a specially curated pack of 12 classes. Similarly if a person opts for a pack of 8 class or pack of 4 class he / she is opting for 8 or 4 classes, respectively.

  • Table of Content
    No. Content
    1 Approach
    2 Revenue Assumptions
    3 Expenses and Startup Cost
    4 P&, Cash Flow and Balance Sheet
    5 BEP Analysis
    6 Ratio Analysis
    7 Investment Summary and Valuation
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