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How to Calculate / Track Most Important SaaS Metrics: Excel Template

Type of Business :

SAAS Products

Price : USD 75 75.00

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  • Short Description

    This powerful SaaS calculator helps track a crucial yet often overlooked metric: the total months needed for a customer to repay the customer acquisition cost (CaC). Our SAAS Metrics Templates in Excel efficiently analyze this key factor. Additionally, the customer lifetime value (LTV) to CaC ratio is essential. With our SAAS revenue model Excel templates, you can easily monitor and optimize these critical financial metrics.

  • Full Description

    This excel calculator has been designed with all relevant inputs (at a high level) to figure out the key SaaS metrics that are going to be highly relevant to any SaaS startup growth strategy and strategic planning/tracking programs. It will also help one to understand what goes into the calculations. Inputs center around the average recurring revenue gross profit per customer and the average gross profit of one-time revenue per customer. Then, Sales and Marketing costs are defined against the average total customers added per month. Based on those inputs, as well as a discount rate / retention rate, the present value of future gross profits per customer can be estimated (LTV) and measured against CaC. Also, the number of months it takes for the total gross profit generated per customer to equal the initial cost to acquire the customer is calculated. Updated to have a 60-month actual data tracker of all key metrics.

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